Single courses page
Below you can find all of the available courses for sale. Do mind: the VIP package is not available when buying single courses.
Want to focus on more than one topic? You might be interested in the package deals!
All individual courses cost €47,-
All group courses cost €97,-
Package deals
You can also buy package deals, that contain all of the available courses.
The individual pack costs €147,- and the group pack costs €249,-. Click here for more info
Basics of CLIL
The title says it all. In this course, you will learn the basics of CLIL. Not just what it means, but how you can implement it in your lesson effectively and how you can make sure you know what you are doing.
Do mind though: This is a course for those who don't know anything about CLIL yet! If you are quite familiar with CLIL, this course will not be enough of a challenge.
In this course I will introduce the important topic of "Scaffolding". You will discover how you can support your students' learning in a variety of ways and help them to learn a lot more effectively.
Language skills
In this course you will not only learn about the four language skills, but you will also see how they be applied in your lesson tomorrow.
Wondering how Bloom's Taxonomy can help you? Let me show you!
In this course you will learn:
Preparing and planning a CLIL lesson
In this course you will learn about different lesson stages, preparing CLIL activities and how to make the most of your time.