![CLIL online summit2 2021-02](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/CLIL-online-summit2-2021-02-1-4.png)
Schedule page
Below you can find all of the sessions as well as additional information about each session and speaker.
You can click on each session to find out more information.
You will receive the links to each session by e-mail during the summit.
If you want to convert the times to your own time zone, you can use this website.
If you have not signed up for the online CLIL summit yet, you can do so here.
All times are CEST | Monday October 4 Basics of CLIL | Tuesday October 5 Guiding input | Wednesday October 6 Motivating output | Thursday October 7 Designing tasks & activities | Friday October 8 Lesson planning |
10:00 AM | Cell | ||||
11:00 AM | Cell | Cell | |||
15:00 / 3:00 PM | |||||
16:00 / 4:00 PM | Cell | Cell | Cell | ||
20:00 / 8:00 PM |
Monday October 4th
What is CLIL?
![David Marsh](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Untitled-design-11-2.png)
David Marsh
10:00 AM
The CLIL Slipstream: Impact on Mind & Brain
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
What recent meta-research on languages, mind and brain reveals about the value of CLIL methods
At the end of this session you have understanding of research findings that further validates the application of CLIL in education.
About the speaker:
David Marsh PhD FRSA has experience of tasks in in 50+ countries, contributed to 175 publications, and received 5 degrees from the United Kingdom, Finland and Spain. He co-launched Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) under the auspices of the European Commission in the early 1990s.
In 2020 he co-produced The Bilingual Advantage: The Impact of Language Learning on Mind and Brain. During 2021 he is developing competence-based language learning resources that combine CLIL with transversals across the curriculum. These are being used to raise language learning standards in historically low-attainment contexts.
His current work-in-progress is The Children of Cyberspace: Towards a New Understanding, due for publication in 2022. https://davidmarsh.education
![Oliver Meyer](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Oliver-Meyer.jpg)
Oliver Meyer
15:00 / 3:00 PM
Beyond CLIL: why moving into pluriliteracies and deeper learning is how to take CLIL to the next level
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
If education is to prepare learners for lifelong learning, there needs to be a shift towards deeper learning: a focus on transferable knowledge and problem-solving skills alongside the development of a positive or growth mindset.
In this presentation I will present new developments in the understanding of the interface between language and learning, and propose an original new 'pluriliteracies' approach which refines and develops current thinking in CLIL.
At the end of this session you know the importance of aligning the mechanics and drivers of deeper learning with the interests, strengths and weaknesses of their students is key to designing deeper learning episodes for transferable knowledge
About the speaker:
Prof. Oliver Meyer is professor for English-Didactics at the Johannes Gutenberg-University/Mainz. He is also a qualified teacher of Geography and EFL with several years of CLIL-teaching experience.
From 2008 - 2013, he worked as a pre- and in-service teacher trainer at the Catholic University of Eichstaett. As a CLIL-expert, he was co-responsible for the in-service training of the 150+ middle school teachers involved in a CLIL pilot program in Bavaria.
His Ph.d dissertation is on instructed strategy use and its effect on oral language performance in young CLIL language learners. He is especially interested in developing and disseminating cutting-edge, evidence-based teaching strategies.
Since 2014 he is a full professor at the Johannes Gutenberg-University where he is the head of the Department of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Oliver Meyer has authored several CLIL and ESL textbooks and is currently working on a conceptual framework for the next generation of digital textbooks (Learnscaping: Beyond the digital textbook).
He has coordinated „CLIL 2.0: A pluriliteracies approach to teach for deeper learning", a project (2012-2015) for the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML).
Together with Do Coyle, Prof. Meyer has just released „Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning“ published by Cambridge University Press. They are currently working on a companion volume to the book which will feature practical PTDL materials for a range of subjects.
Prof. Meyer is a reviewer for journals such as Applied Linguistics, The Language Learning Journal and Sage Open.
Aleksandra Zaparucha
20:00 / 8:00 PM
C for Culture - an obsolete element of CLIL?
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
CLIL teacher training for subject teachers is generally conducted by language specialists. They suggest subject teachers base their CLIL lessons on 4Cs: content, communication, cognition and… What? Culture? What for?
In this talk, I want to convince CLIL teacher trainers 3Cs are enough and ask them to stop inappropriately shoehorning culture into the curriculum. One way to do so is to use the CLIL Wheel, which combines the 3Cs (not four!) with the 10 CLIL parameters
At the end of this session you can be more reflective regarding the requirements of a good CLIL lesson.
About the speaker:
Aleksandra is an experienced Geography and EFL/ESL/EAP and CLIL teacher, teacher trainer and author. She has worked extensively in Poland, the UK and France, as well as various countries in Asia. She regularly conducts CLIL teacher training, both face-to-face and online.
In 2014 her geography workbook was nominated for the British Council ELTons Award and in 2016 she was the winner of the award as a Tigtag CLIL team member. She regularly presents at national and international conferences.
Tuesday October 5th
Guiding input
11:00 AM
Networking session
All Access Pass only
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
Want to meet fellow CLIL teachers from around the world, discuss challenges, share ideas and find inspiration with like minded colleagues?
Join the networking session and get to know new people!
This session is for All Access Pass members only.
Please click the button below to get the All Access Pass if you don't have it yet.
15:00 / 3:00 PM
Panel Discussion
David Marsh
Rosie Tanner
Aleksandra Zaparucha
![Michele C. Guerrini](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Michele-C.-Guerrini.png)
Michele C. Gueririni
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
Want to ask the CLIL experts present a question? Now is your chance!
During this panel discussion, various CLIL experts will answer questions from both you as a teacher as well as questions they prepared for each other.
Keep an eye on your email for the link to the Padlet to share your questions!
![Letizia Cinganotto v2](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Letizia-Cinganotto-v2-1.png)
Letizia Cinganotto
Daniela Cuccurullo
20:00 / 8:00 PM
Techno-CLIL in hybrid and flexible learning scenarios
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
The presentation will describe examples of webtools and repositories for CLIL which could be useful to plan and implement collaborative and interactive CLIL tasks in hybrid and flexible learning scenarios.
At the end of this session you understand the importance of webtools and repositories for CLIL tasks.
About the speaker:
Letizia Cinganotto, PhD, Researcher at INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation, Educational Research, Italy), member of numerous Working Groups and Scientific Committees on languages and CLIL both at national and international level. She has published a large number of articles and papers and four volumes on CLIL.
Daniela Cuccurullo is a teacher of English at upper secondary level and a contract professor of English at university in Italy. She is a CLIL teacher and a teacher trainer, involved in a wide range of projects both at national and international level. She has published articles and papers in English and in Italian. She is currently Tesol Italy Vice-President.
Wednesday October 6th
Motivating Output
![Chantal Hemmi](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Chantal-Hemmi.png)
Chantal Hemmi
10:00 AM
Students' Knowledge of Critical Thinking for Pre-CLIL and Pre-EMI Academic English Courses
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
Critical thinking is regarded as one of the essentials of the 21st century skills and is central to CLIL and EMI courses. However, it is not clear how students understand CT.
In this session I refer to my own teaching context at two university courses at undergraduate level and show how students develop their discussions employing elements of critical thinking.
At the end of this session you can make use of the scaffolds presented in this session to create your own activities for encouraging critical thinking in students' discussions.
About the speaker:
Chantal Hemmi is a teacher trainer and researcher. She works at Sophia University in Tokyo and is in charge of EAP/CLIL teacher development. Her research interests are in developing critical thinking through a CLIL approach.
Rosie Tanner
15:00 / 3:00 PM
Encourage writing in CLIL
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
This interactive webinar will introduce you to a model to help you to design assignments that motivate and encourage your students to produce written (and spoken) output. You will evaluate and adjust some assignments using the model.
At the end of this session you can adapt CLIL tasks for your students; understand a model for creating authentic materials.
About the speaker:
I am a British freelance CLIL trainer, coach and consultant, living and working in Amersfoort, a pretty mediaeval town in the Netherlands.
My work
Making real connections with people – that’s what work is about for me. Connecting in order to develop professionally - in education. I train teachers and trainers, write and coach. My two main publications related to CLIL are CLIL Skills, available as a free download from my website and CLIL Activities (CUP).
My style
My training style is facilitative, professional and personal, enthusiastic and engaging: you don’t sit still and you take ideas home that you can use tomorrow. My drive is supporting people in their own learning and development.
When I’m not working, I run (a bit), do yoga, dance tango, play piano and work daily for 5 minutes in my square-foot garden. Website If you really want to know more about me: www.rosietanner.com
16:00 / 4:00 PM
Co-Working session
All Access Pass only
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
During the summit you will certainly be inspired, but you do not walk away with just new ideas right?
You want to walk away with practical activities and applicable lesson plans.
That is what the co-working session is for!
During the co-working session I will help you apply the theory and ideas from the summit to your practical lesson situation. Together with fellow CLIL teachers you will develop materials for your next lesson.
This session is for All Access Pass members only.
Please click the button below to get the All Access Pass if you don't have it yet.
Janet Streeter
Petra Hatley-Richardson
Sietske Dijkma
20:00 / 8:00 PM
Visual Language Support for CLIL The Drawing Effect:
How to support students’ understanding and boost long-term memory though visual aids.
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
And now for something completely different: In this practical and interactive workshop you will experience the benefit of drawing for any subject, any topic and any age group. We will demonstrate how ‘drawing as a tool’ can support understanding, output and long term memory. And a lovely bonus: it’s fun!
At the end of this session you will be able to apply these useful and fun strategies and techniques to their classes in order to help students retain information and language
About the speakers:
Cumbria CLIL was founded by Janet Streeter in 2011 and is based in the UK and Europe. Janet coordinated one of the very first EU projects on bilingual education over 20 years ago and, along with her colleagues, has delivered CLIL training for bilingual teachers ever since.
Cumbria CLIL organises in-house training for schools in Europe and residential English Language and CLIL courses for Secondary and Primary teachers. Our approach is to practise what we preach, so that course participants experience our strategies and principles at first hand.
Petra Hatley-Richardson and Sietske Dijkema are both Secondary school teachers in the Netherlands. Petra teaches Art and English and Sietske teaches Mathematics. Petra is a trained CLIL coach and has worked as a Cumbria CLIL trainer for approximately 3 years now. Sietske works with bilingual teacher trainees and enjoys implementing CLIL in her Maths classroom.
In addition they have their own company, Les and More, that focuses on education innovation and teacher well-being. We all strongly believe that CLIL is one of the best ways to challenge students and prepare them for an international future.
Thursday October 7th
Designing tasks & activities
Amanda Van Dijk - van't Noordende
10:00 AM
CLIL and inclusive education
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
It is important to include students with different learning needs, backgrounds and requests in the education of the future. This session will zoom in on a wide range of inclusivity. For example how to adress dyslexic students, how to adress multilingual students next to monolingual students and how teacher training should adress this topic.
Furthermore, there will be practical tips and methods you as a teacher can incorporate in your classroom to make it more inclusive with CLIL.
At the end of this session you can apply tips to make your CLIL classrooms more inclusive
About the speaker:
Within my company Bilingual Education Projects I mainly focus on innovating education. Especially within bilingual and multilingual education.
Bilingual and multilingual education offers an opportunity to create high-quality, challenging and future-proof education for students and also a sustainable and challenging opportunity for teachers. Education is a permanent and developing body, in which you always keep developing and growing. Developing a vision for these new possibilities is my passion.
As a CLIL-coach and researcher I work in a broad range of the bilingual education, nationally and internationally.
11:00 AM
Co-Working session
All Access Pass only
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
During the summit you will certainly be inspired, but you do not walk away with just new ideas right?
You want to walk away with practical activities and applicable lesson plans.
That is what the co-working session is for!
During the co-working session I will help you apply the theory and ideas from the summit to your practical lesson situation. Together with fellow CLIL teachers you will develop materials for your next lesson.
This session is for All Access Pass members only.
Please click the button below to get the All Access Pass if you don't have it yet.
![Michele C. Guerrini](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Michele-C.-Guerrini.png)
Michele C. Guerrini
15:00 / 3:00 PM
Science experiments: scaffolding to integrate content with language and thinking
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
Carrying out experiments can enable learners to discover science content, not just read about it. Experiments on many topics are available online, providing valuable input for CLIL lessons. However, the CLIL approach prioritises active participation, so learners should take an active role in the experiment. Three types of scaffolding can support them in this role, as well as integrate content with language and thinking.
Participants in this session examine one experiment using the scientific method and explore basic scaffolding techniques and tools conducive to achieving CLIL goals.
At the end of this session you can identify the main steps of the scientific method, support learners so that they develop language and thinking skills as they discover science content and apply scaffolding techniques and tools to other experiments.
About the speaker:
Michele C. Guerrini teaches the Resources and Materials module in the Masters for English as a Foreign Language at the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
As director of MCG Content and Language Network, she collaborates with educational publishers to develop CLIL materials for subject areas such as Art, Natural and Social Science, Biology, Geography and History.
She is co-author of Comet and Smarty, primary EFL courses, and Social Science: Learning Lab, a primary CLIL course. She is co-editor with Emma Dafouz of CLIL across Educational Levels: experiences from primary, secondary and tertiary contexts.
![Kevin Schuck](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Kevin-Schuck.png)
Kevin Schuck
16:00 / 4:00 PM
Practical Pluriliteracies (CLIL and beyond)
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
This session activity is a hands-on experience that will take participants from the basics of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) to a practical activity that supports a deeper learning episodes supporting the transfer of learning across language and subject(s), based on the Pluriliteracies model.
At the end of this session you will have created a practical deeper learning episode to use in their own subject discipline lessons
About the speaker:
Kevin Schuck (Penta College CSG Jacob van Liesveldt, Holland) Kevin’s teaching career has spanned over 40 years and has found locations in the United States, Asia and Europe and has included working in primary, secondary and vocational education.
He has experience teaching in Montessori, IB, state private and public education. This includes specific subjects, i.e. English, Physical education, Biology, Science for Public Understanding, International and Intercultural perspectives, English as asecond language and the International Baccalaureate Language courses.
Since 2003, Kevin has organized and lead teacher training programmes and held workshops for both the European Platform in CLIL as well as courses for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma program. Since 2002, Kevin is Head IB teacher and co-coordinator IB/bilingual education and CLIL Curriculum coordinator. Kevin is also an original member of the Graz group.
20:00 / 8:00 PM
Networking session
All Access Pass only
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
Want to meet fellow CLIL teachers from around the world, discuss challenges, share ideas and find inspiration with like minded colleagues?
Join the networking session and get to know new people!
This session is for All Access Pass members only.
Please click the button below to get the All Access Pass if you don't have it yet.
Friday October 8th
Lesson planning
Linton Roe
10:00 AM
Australia and Europe - Implementation of the 4Cs
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
During this interview Linton Roe will answer questions regarding the differences and similarities between Australian and European CLIL implementation.
At the end of this session you can explain points of similarity and difference in CLIL implementation.
About the speaker:
Linton is an expert educator with a passion for leading by example. He has extensive experience in system-wide change management underpinned by a deep practically-grounded knowledge of teaching, learning and working with people at all levels.
During his twenty-four years in schools, Linton has been a teacher, leader and consultant. He was integrally involved with the renowned Bayswater South Primary School Bilingual program for sixteen years, during which time he filled many leading roles but was especially active in the promotion and development of Content and Languages Integrated Learning (CLIL) approaches and the Victorian Government’s Bilingual Schools Project.
Linton frequently presents at state, national and international conferences. Linton currently partners with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) and other Melbourne schools to design and implement in-house professional learning programs for teachers and leadership teams, with an emphasis on connecting student voice with program design.
15:00 / 3:00 PM
Panel Discussion
Linton Roe
![Chantal Hemmi](https://courses.clilmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Chantal-Hemmi.png)
Chantal Hemmi
Phil Ball
Amanda Van Dijk - van't Noordende
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
Want to ask the CLIL experts present a question? Now is your chance!
During this panel discussion, various CLIL experts will answer questions from both you as a teacher as well as questions they prepared for each other.
Keep an eye on your email for the link to the Padlet to share your questions!
Phil Ball
15:00 / 3:00 PM
The shape of a CLIL didactic sequence
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
We talk about 'lesson plans' but lessons exist as components of longer sequences of learning. What do these sequences look like, and what activity/task types do they consist of? Thinking about these task types and the 'shape' of a didactic sequence can help us plan our teaching more coherently and help L2 learners to stay focused on the 'what are we doing?' and the 'why are we doing it?'.
At the end of this session you can identify the components of a didactic sequence
About the speaker:
Phil Ball is based in San Sebastián in Spain He is the co-author of the book ‘Putting CLIL into Practice’ (OUP 2015) and his CLIL textbook series for the Basque curriculum was nominated for the ELTONS Innovation Award in London. He is module leader on the MA CLIL degree for NILE in England and his work has included consultancy projects in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Japan and Qatar.
He has been involved in several European-based CLIL projects, and has written a wide variety of CLIL-based textbooks for the Basque and Spanish social science and English language programmes. He co-designed the new ‘CLIL Essentials’ online course for the British Council and he also works at the University of the Basque Country (UPV) training lecturers to deliver their subjects through English.
He has authored various CLIL-based articles and at present is working on CLIL-based digital language materials for the French and English programmes in the north of Spain.
He is currently writing a children’s novel for a British publisher.
Patrick de Boer
20:00 / 8:00 PM
Preparing a CLIL lesson in 15 minutes
Target audience:
CLIL teacher experience level:
Primary school teachers
Secondary school teachers
School leaders
About this session:
Lots of teachers spend (almost) the same amount on planning their CLIL lessons compared to actually teaching it. This does not have to be the case. With a step-by-step approach to planning a CLIL lesson this can be done in a short amount of time. Especially with the activities and resources mentioned in this training.
At the end of this session you can prepare a CLIL lesson in 15 minutes or less.
About the speaker:
Patrick de Boer is a CLIL coach, teacher trainer and former editor-in-chief of CLIL Magazine. With almost 15 years of experience teaching CLIL mathematics in secondary education and coaching fellow teachers, he shares his ideas on regular basis on his blog and trains CLIL teachers worldwide with both online and offline courses and workshops.
Organizing this online CLIL Summit is just one of the ways he wants to help CLIL teachers worldwide to connect and learn from each other, because he feels many teachers are still reinventing the wheel too often, spending too much time on things others have already figured out. In other words: he would like to help CLIL teachers to teach (even) better lessons while preparing them in less time without sacrificing quality of the lesson itself.