A 3-day online event to help CLIL teachers worldwide stop reinventing the wheel and prepare their lessons in less time

October 11th - October 13th 2022

What is the Online CLIL Summit?

This summit is for CLIL teachers from primary, secondary and tertiary education, who know what CLIL is all about and are looking for ways to improve the quality of their lessons (even more).

With more than 15 speakers from all over the world you are sure to not only find inspiration and ideas, but get that help you need to take the next step in your CLIL journey and stop reinventing the wheel.

Each day will feature a lineup of speakers, sharing their advice and ideas on how to improve your CLIL lesson, get students to be more engaged in your lessons and motivate language output.

Do you recognise any of this?

You have just started with CLIL and feel like you have to figure it all out on your own

You have some experience with CLIL but feel like you are using the same lesson ideas too often

You have a lot of experience with CLIL and are looking to deepen your knowledge to help others

If any of these ring a bell, the summit is a good bet to get to that next step and get the inspiration you need!

The event is completely online so you can participate in the summit anywhere you want.

What you will learn

Inspiration & Ideas

Discover things you did not know before about CLIL and how to use that in your lesson

Network & Connections

Meet fellow CLIL teachers from all over the world to discuss and solve challenges

Practical & to-the-point

Learn about new activivities you can implement in your CLIL lesson the next day

Learn from more than 15 CLIL experts as they show you how to use CLIL in your lesson in a way that inspires, motivates and engages.

The Speakers

David Marsh

Phil Ball

Eugenia Papaioannou

Michelle C. Guerrini

Chantal Hemmi

Rosie Tanner

Aleksandra Zaparucha

Gudrun Keplinger

Ekaterina Marnitcyna

Petra Hatley-Richardson & Sietske Dijkema

CLIL & More

Valentina Matone

Sarah M. Howell & Lisa Kester-Dogson

Amanda van Dijk - 't Noordende

Ryan Whelpdale & Janet Streeter

Cumbria CLIL

Patrick de Boer

Some responses from previous participants

I really liked everything I heard...and am richer now after getting informed about CLIL!

It was really wonderful experience

This summit really opens opportunity for us as an educators especially those who are engage in subject which uses language

It was amazing!

This event is totally worth to be joined by more people!

Thanks for arranging such a highly-qualified event

Thank you for putting so much effort into this summit- what a wonderful idea to make such a chance of exchanging knowledge possible

Thanks! Great initiative.

The summit was excellent and very well organized.

Top quality presenters

Thank you. In general this was a very enlightening event.

The selection & variety of speakers was excellent.Those who gave direct demos of amazing tasks, activities & materials were most useful for both teaching a class & organising a CLIL programme in school. Thanks!

Customers served! 0 Days
Customers served! 0 Speakers
Customers served! > 0 Previous participants

Get your ticket

During the online CLIL Summit you are not just going to find inspiration, but you are going to walk away brimming with ideas for your next CLIL lesson. And I personally think the investment is totally worth it, but I might be a little biased. See for yourself below.

One day workshop
  • 1 topic
  • 1 speaker
  • Travel time
  • Travel cost
Price: €100-€400
Live summit
  • Multiple topics
  • Multiple speakers
  • Travel time
  • Travel cost
Price: €300-€900
Online CLIL Summit
  • Multiple topics
  • Multiple speakers
  • No travel time
  • No travel cost
  • Extra: Live panel

Price: €5,-

Get your students motivated to participate in your CLIL lessons with the lessons learned from the experts

The agenda

All times mentioned are CEST

After every session there will be some time to ask questions

Day 1, October 11th 2022

10:00 AM
Eugenia Papaioannou

EFL teacher, teacher trainer, author

CLIL Applications in the EFL/ESL Class

It will present practical CLIL applications that promote the 21st century skills in the EFL/ESL class. Two CLIL lesson plans will be shared with the attendees for direct use in their classes.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers understand the procedure of planning and implementing a CLIL lesson, realise the importance of focusing on the subject content rather than the language content and can plan their own CLIL lessons

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

12:00 PM
Dr. David Marsh

Realizing Interdisciplinary Projects through CLIL

In this presentation you will get new ideas for co-teaching through project work.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers can do interdisciplinary projects

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

2:00 PM / 14:00
Gudrun Keplinger

Teacher trainer, EFL didactics researcher

Content learning in CLIL – the role of topic and task engagement for successful Content and Language Integrated Learning at upper secondary vocational colleges for agriculture and forestry

I will present the results of a study which accompanied the implementation of CLIL in secondary colleges for agriculture and forestry (HLFS) in Austria over a period of three years. Our focus was on exploring differences in content learning in L1 and L2 settings. I will start by describing the context of the project and talking about some of its theoretical underpinnings. I will then give detailed information on the research method used, before moving on to an analysis of data which were collected by administering knowledge tests in the participating schools. As I am hoping to also provide practical information, an example of a lesson plan and materials will be presented which were selected for classroom use. Hopefully, this will generate ideas about the implementation of CLIL in similar settings. In the final part of the presentation, suggestions are offered as to what factors should be considered when implementing CLIL in a similar setting in upper secondary education.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers can hopefully use some of my ideas in their own classroom contexts

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

4:00 PM / 16:00
Sarah M. Howell

ELT author, teacher trainer, researcher

Lisa Kester-Dodgson

ELT author, teacher trainer, researcher

Oracy as a Tool for Equity in CLIL

Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. It is a powerful tool for learning, and it is widely agreed that oracy is also a route to social mobility, that empowers all students to find their voice to succeed in school and life. Good oracy skills have always been necessary, but they matter now more than ever. The Covid-19 pandemic has widened the already persistent ‘language gap’ between disadvantaged students and their peers across all ages, highlighting the importance of classroom-based language interventions. In this talk, we shall look at some ways teachers can integrate simple oracy training into their day-to-day CLIL teaching as a means for addressing some of the injustices worsened by the pandemic.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers can refer to an oracy framework in order to create opportunities for developing their students oracy skills in their classes

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

8:00 PM / 20:00
Amanda van Dijk-van ’t Noordende

CLIL Coach, researcher

Project-based CLIL

CLIL in project-based content is an important tool for bi- and multilingual education. Specifically in projects it's important to incorporate CLIL in your project. This workshops will give you inspiration on how to do that with examples, workforms and inspiration.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers can make use of more workforms and digital tools in projects in class and use a CLIL assessment tool

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

Day 2, October 12th 2022

10:00 AM
Chantal Hemmi

Researcher, trainer

Students’ perceptions of critical thinking and learning outcomes through a debate

In this session, I discuss the commonalities in students’ perceptions of critical thinking through data collected from 80 undergraduate students. Later I discuss the learning outcomes of the thinking that emerged through a debate on a course titled Critical Thinking and Discussions, at a private university in Japan where a CLIL approach was applied in an EMI course with students of diverse linguistic and cultural differences. The findings showed that although the debate framework was rigid and produced somewhat bookish academic discussions, it elicited much critical thought. Here I wish to share my reflections of which scaffolds helped student learning and my limitations in establishing a common understanding about the proposed goals of the course syllabus.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers teachers have an understanding of students' perceptions of critical thinking and what they learnt through the debate. They will also have access to the handouts used to guide students through the debate activity.

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

12:00 PM
Janet Streeter
Ryan Whelpdale

Teacher trainers

Actively engaging learners when presenting new content

As teachers, one of the things that we often find difficult is how to present new material to students in a way that actively engages the class. We like to think that students love our stories and the way we tell them. Perhaps they do, perhaps the keen ones who like listening and soaking up information just love it! Yet can we be sure that everyone is really engaging with the material, as we talk enthusiastically about a given topic? Do you ever get the feeling that you are doing all the work? In this short workshop we would like to give you some ideas for engaging students while you present new content.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers will be able to take away some ideas to develop for their own teaching

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

2:00 PM / 14:00
Ekaterina Marnitcyna

Associate profession, PhD in the English language

Reading professional texts: to be or not to be?

The session aims at reviewing teachers’ understanding of the task to read professional texts as part of students’ independent work and update it. We will discuss advantages and disadvantages of the task, why it is not so efficient in the 21 century (e.g. new generation, new mentality, new technologies, the task does not seem to be practical enough, etc) and why it is preferable to save it (vocabulary expansion, acquaintance with academic discourse and innovation in a professional field). Participants will get acquainted with a number of real cases (one of which got a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture), get some practical ideas and recommendations on reading updating and develop their own activities basing on modern teaching methods. The session includes online opinion review, case study and is supported by PPP and samples of students’ works.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers can develop their own version of a professional project based on learners' independent reading and be a facilitator for students creating their own educational artefact.

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

4:00 PM / 16:00
Michele C. Guerrini


Exploring information landscapes: visual literacy skills to support CLIL

In today’s information culture, multimodal texts have gained prominence: photos, diagrams, video and sound are often combined with text to communicate content. According to Kress (2010), we are moving from the dominance of the mode of writing to the mode of image. Given the increasing prevalence of multimodal input, 21st century learners need to be able to interpret it. CLIL teachers may be incorporating multimodal texts into their classes for this and other reasons. Researchers such as Meyer (2010) and Mehisto (2012) suggest that multimodal texts make content more accessible and motivating for a wider range of learners than text alone. Although learners routinely access multimodal input via websites, video clips, computer games and social media, they may need support when interpreting multimodal subject area content. For example, when examining a multimodal science text, questions like the following may arise: what should be examined first, the text or the images? How do the images relate to the text? Do they repeat textual information, expand it or offer new information? Why did the author choose one mode of input over another, for example, a diagram versus a photo or text? Visual literacy skills may guide learners in answering similar questions, help them to navigate multimodal texts with improved understanding and simultaneously provide opportunities for enhanced communication and thinking skills.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers can identify features typical of multimodal CLIL texts in content areas such as science and history, analyse the challenges these features pose for learners, apply several key strategies to support learners in interpreting multimodal input and evaluate how these strategies stimulate language and thinking skills

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

8:00 PM / 20:00
Aleksandra Zaparucha

Teacher trainer

On sequencing language skills based on Canterbury Cathedral lesson example

This interactive workshop will use a lesson example to show how to progress from listening and speaking to reading and writing with the diminishing support throughout.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers can sequence the language skills during their lessons more effectively, especially when it comes to language production

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

Day 3, October 13th 2022

10:00 AM
Phil Ball

Teacher trainer, Author

How to write language materials in a competence-based framework

Competence-led curricula are spreading like wildfire through European countries and expanding globally at an ever-increasing rate. It seems that everyone has caught the competence bug, and no self-respecting national curriculum document can be seen to exclude the notion – even though there is still a remarkable lack of consensus as to what actually constitutes a ‘competence’ in education. Be that as it may, competence-based approaches should be welcome guests at the educational table, and language learning cannot remain an ‘outlier’ in this new paradigm. The traditional ‘four skills’, for example, will simply be components or resources of competences, which will obviously lead to a rethink not only in how we teach language but also in how we can adjust language education to become a valued member of this new curriculum club. I’ll try to demonstrate how a competence-based language syllabus works and offer a framework for developing materials for this approach.

At the end of this session, CLIL teachers can identify and understand the components of competences in language education

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

12:00 PM
Petra Hatley-Richardson

Teacher trainer

Sietske Dijkema

Teacher trainer

Visual Language Support for CLIL: The Drawing Effect

In this practical and interactive workshop, you will experience the benefit of drawing for any subject, any topic at different levels. We will demonstrate how ‘drawing as a tool’ can support understanding, output, and long-term memory. And a lovely bonus: it’s fun and can save you time! We will use a model lesson for the subject of Geography to demonstrate some key elements that belong in a CLIL lesson. You will be actively involved throughout and have the opportunity to adapt the content of the workshop to your own subject area/student age group and discuss with other delegates. You will see that every teacher can use this drawing technique, even if you think you can't draw!

At the end of the workshop, CLIL teachers can use drawings to support understanding.

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

2:00 PM / 14:00
Valentina Matone

Teacher, Researcher

CLIL and Peer Education through Authentic Tasks

CLIL is one of the best-fit methodology to engage students in peer education experiences. Giving them a specific task related to the subjects included in the project, they can really feel empowered by being the protagonists in their own learning. Moreover, if the task-based learning is authentic they will be even more motivated. This small presentation aims at sharing a CLIL project involving secondary school pupils who were assigned an exciting but challenging final task: to prepare a storytelling class for 5 years-old children of infant school.

At the end of the session, CLIL teachers have an example of a task-based learning project to engage students in an authentic tasks

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

4:00 PM / 16:00
Rosie Tanner

Freelance CLIL consultant/trainer

Images in CLIL

"A picture says a thousand words." In this practical workshop, teachers will be introduced to and experience a number of CLIL activities using still images: photographs, drawings, artworks, diagrams. The CLIL activities we shall carry out and discuss are related to different lesson stages and relevant to different (school) subjects. You will go away with ideas for your CLIL lessons that you can develop for yourself.

At the end of the session, CLIL teachers can adapt CLIL activities to their own lessons.

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

5:00 PM / 17:00

Panel discussion

Ask questions to various CLIL experts from this summit, who will go into discussion regarding topics you can contribute!

Speakers participating are:

Rosie Tanner

Freelance CLIL consultant/trainer

Valentina Matone

Teacher, Researcher

Phil Ball

Teacher trainer, Author

Michele C. Guerrini


8:00 PM / 20:00
Patrick de Boer

Teacher, Teacher trainer

The balancing act: focusing on both language and subject content

As a CLIL teacher, one has to constantly find the delicate balance between introducing new language and concepts and explaining new topics related to your subject.

In this workshop, Patrick will share practical lesson ideas you can use in your lesson to integrate language throughout your lesson, without taking more time to prepare.

At the end of the session, CLIL teachers can introduce language elements in their subject lesson, without having to take more time preparing or implementing in class.

Education type

Primary education

Secondary education

Tertiary education

School leaders

CLIL teacher experience level

Beginner (0-2 years)

Advanced (2-5 years)

Experienced (5+ years)

Phil Ball

Frequently Asked Questions

Just in case I forgot something

Why is this a paid event?

To increase engagement and take care of the costs involved in organising this summit, a small fee is asked to participate during this summit. 

How long will the sessions be available?

The sessions will be recorded and be available for 48 hours. But it is obviously a lot more fun to be part of the summit live!

Am I going to learn something practical or do I need to buy something?

No need to buy anything! The resources and ideas shared during this summit will be applicable to your lesson without any additional costs. And yes: the aim of the summit is to be as practical as possible.

When is the Online CLIL Summit?

The summit will be organized from October 11th to October 13th 2022.


What times are the sessions?

The sessions are planned throughout the day to accomodate different timezones and teacher availability.

After signing up you will receive the overview of the three days so you can plan what sessions to follow live.

How does it work?

After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation mail with information on how to join the sessions.

Before each day of the summit, you will reveive an email with the link to the sessions of the day after.

All sessions will make use of Zoom software. This software is free to use and allows for interaction and hassle-free communication.


For who might this be interesting?

CLIL teachers around the world! Primary, secondary and tertiary teachers will find interesting topics to explore and will gain valuable insights for their CLIL lessons. 


Patrick's mission


Hi! My name is Patrick de Boer and I am a mathematics teacher, CLIL coach, teacher trainer and former editor-in-chief of CLIL Magazine. With almost 15 years of experience teaching CLIL mathematics in secondary education and coaching fellow teachers, I share my ideas on regular basis on my blog and train CLIL teachers worldwide with both online and offline courses and workshops.

Organizing this online CLIL Summit is just one of the ways I want to help CLIL teachers worldwide to get in touch and learn from each other, because I feel many teachers are still reinventing the wheel too often, spending too much time on things others have already figured out. In other words: I would like to help CLIL teachers to teach (even) better lessons while preparing them in less time without sacrificing quality of the lesson itself.

Will you join me on this mission?

Still reading all the way all the way down the bottom of this page without getting a ticket?

Join the Online CLIL Summit 2022, the online CLIL experience of the year!