October 4th - October 8th

Why you should join the Online CLIL Summit 2021

The online CLIL summit is organised with the aim of helping CLIL teachers worldwide get in touch with each other, learn from each other and find inspiration.

But more importantly: stop reinventing the wheel for every CLIL activity or lesson idea that needs to be developed and find both practical and easy to implement lesson ideas.

The online CLIL summit 2020 was a huge success with over 2500 teachers worldwide joining.

This summit aims to be even more successful & even more useful to teachers!

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for free and let's help each other improve our CLIL lessons!

For whom the Online CLIL Summit is organised

Anyone teaching within a CLIL context!

The summit is particularly useful for:

  • Primary school teachers
  • Secondary school subject teachers
  • Secondary school language teachers
  • School leaders

If you are a researcher or teach in any other type of education you are more than welcome to join as well of course, you are sure to find inspiration!

The event is completely online so you can participate in the summit anywhere you want.

At the end of the summit, you will be able to:

  • Apply tips to make CLIL classrooms more inclusive
  • Have an understanding of research findings that further validate the application of CLIL in education
  • Be more reflective regarding the requirements of a good CLIL lesson
  • Understand the importance of webtools and repositories for CLIL tasks
  • Identify the components of a didactic CLIL sequence
  • Support learners so that they develop language and thinking skills as they discover science content
  • Make use of the scaffolds presented in the session to create your own activities for encouraging critical thinking in their discussions.
  • Adapt CLIL tasks for your students and understand a model for creating authentic assignments.
  • Prepare a CLIL lesson in 15 minutes or less

And more!

The Speakers

Meet the experts

The Online CLIL Summit features presentations, interviews and even two live panels on all kinds of topics related to CLIL from experts all over the world!

Who do you want to learn from next?

David Marsh


The CLIL Slipstream: Impact on Mind and Brain

Phil Ball

Teacher trainer, materials and curriculum development

The shape of a CLIL didactic sequence

Oliver Meyer


Beyond CLIL: Why moving into pluriliteracies and deeper learning is how to take CLIL to the next level

Linton Roe

Teacher and Consultant

Australia and Europe - Implementation of the 4C's

Rosie Tanner

CLIL trainer, coach and consultant

Encourage writing in CLIL

Chantal Hemmi

Teacher trainer

Students' knowledge of Critical Thinking for pre-CLIL and pre-EMI Academic English Courses

Amanda van Dijk - 't Noordende

CLIL Coach and researcher

CLIL and inclusive education

Aleksandra Zaparucha

CLIL teacher trainer and author

C for Culture - an obsolute element of CLIL?

Kevin Schuck

Education Consultant

Practical Pluriliteracies (CLIL and beyond)

Michelle C. Guerrini

Teacher and teacher trainer

Science experiments: scaffolding to integrate content with language and thinking

Letizia Cinganotto & Daniela Cuccurullo

Researcher and English language teacher

Techno-CLIL in hybrid and flexible learning scenarios

Want to learn from the best? Sign up for free and meet all of these experts during this live online event!







What did people think of the previous online CLIL summit?

Results from the post-summit survey from the online CLIL summit 2020

Did the online CLIL summit 2020 live up to your expectations?
Would you join the online CLIL summit if it was organised in 2021?
How would you rate the online CLIL summit 2020?
7 or higher

The schedule

Below you can find all of the sessions of this online summit.

All times are in CEST.

Monday October 4th

What is CLIL?

10:00 AM

The CLIL Slipstream: Impact on Mind & Brain

David Marsh

What recent meta-research on languages, mind and brain reveals about the value of CLIL methods

At the end of this session you have understanding of research findings that further validates the application of CLIL in education.


3:00 PM

Beyond CLIL: why moving into pluriliteracies and deeper learning is how to take CLIL to the next level

Oliver Meyer

If education is to prepare learners for lifelong learning, there needs to be a shift towards deeper learning: a focus on transferable knowledge and problem-solving skills alongside the development of a positive or growth mindset.

In this presentation I will present new developments in the understanding of the interface between language and learning, and propose an original new 'pluriliteracies' approach which refines and develops current thinking in CLIL. 

At the end of this session you know the  importance of aligning the mechanics and drivers of deeper learning with the interests, strengths and weaknesses of their students is key to designing deeper learning episodes for transferable knowledge


8:00 PM

C for Culture - an obsolete element of CLIL?

Aleksandra Zaparucha

CLIL teacher training for subject teachers is generally conducted by language specialists. They suggest subject teachers base their CLIL lessons on 4Cs: content, communication, cognition and… What? Culture? What for?

In this talk, I want to convince CLIL teacher trainers 3Cs are enough and ask them to stop inappropriately shoehorning culture into the curriculum. One way to do so is to use the CLIL Wheel, which combines the 3Cs (not four!) with the 10 CLIL parameters

At the end of this session you can be more reflective regarding the requirements of a good CLIL lesson.

Tuesday October 5th

Guiding input


3:00 PM

Panel Discussion

During this panel discussion you can ask questions to the experts present.

Experts present in this panel discussion:

David Marsh

Rosie Tanner

Aleksandra Zaparucha

Michele C. Guerrini


8:00 PM

Techno-CLIL in hybrid and flexible learning scenarios

Letizia Cinganotto 

Daniela Cuccurullo

The presentation will describe examples of webtools and repositories for CLIL which could be useful to plan and implement collaborative and interactive CLIL tasks in hybrid and flexible learning scenarios.

At the end of this session you understand the importance of webtools and repositories for CLIL tasks.

Wednesday October 6th

Motivating Output

10:00 AM

Students' Knowledge of Critical Thinking for Pre-CLIL and Pre-EMI Academic English Courses

Chantal Hemmi

Critical thinking is regarded as one of the essentials of the 21st century skills and is central to CLIL and EMI courses. However, it is not clear how students understand CT.

In this session I refer to my own teaching context at two university courses at undergraduate level and show how students develop their discussions employing elements of critical thinking.

At the end of this session you can make use of the scaffolds presented in this session to create your own activities for encouraging critical thinking in students' discussions.


3:00 PM

Encourage writing in CLIL

Rosie Tanner

This interactive webinar will introduce you to a model to help you to design assignments that motivate and encourage your students to produce written (and spoken) output. You will evaluate and adjust some assignments using the model. 

At the end of this session you can adapt CLIL tasks for your students; understand a model for creating authentic materials.

Thursday October 7th

Designing tasks & activities

10:00 AM

CLIL and inclusive education

Amanda Van Dijk - van't Noordende

It is important to include students with different learning needs, backgrounds and requests in the education of the future. This session will zoom in on a wide range of inclusivity. For example how to adress dyslexic students, how to adress multilingual students next to monolingual students and how teacher training should adress this topic.

Furthermore, there will be practical tips and methods you as a teacher can incorporate in your classroom to make it more inclusive with CLIL. 

At the end of this session you can apply tips to make your CLIL classrooms more inclusive


3:00 PM

Science experiments: scaffolding to integrate content with language and thinking

Michele C. Guerrini

Carrying out experiments can enable learners to discover science content, not just read about it. Experiments on many topics are available online, providing valuable input for CLIL lessons. However, the CLIL approach prioritises active participation, so learners should take an active role in the experiment. Three types of scaffolding can support them in this role, as well as integrate content with language and thinking.

Participants in this session examine one experiment using the scientific method and explore basic scaffolding techniques and tools conducive to achieving CLIL goals. 

At the end of this session you can identify the main steps of the scientific method, support learners so that they develop language and thinking skills as they discover science content and apply scaffolding techniques and tools to other experiments. 


4:00 PM

Practical Pluriliteracies (CLIL and beyond)

Kevin Schuck

This session activity is a hands-on experience that will take participants from the basics of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) to apractical activity that supporets a deeper learning episodes supporting the transfer of learning across language and subject(s), based on the Pluriliteracies model.

At the end of this session you will have created a practical deeper learning episode to use in their own subject discipline lessons

Friday October 8th

Preparing a CLIL lesson

10:00 AM

Australia and Europe - Implementation of the 4Cs

Linton Roe

During this interview Linton Roe will answer questions regarding the differences and similarities between Australian and European CLIL implementation.

At the end of this session you can explain points of similarity and difference in CLIL implementation.

11:00 AM

Panel Discussion

During this panel discussion you can ask questions to the experts present.

Experts present in this panel discussion:

Linton Roe

Chantal Hemmi

Phil Ball

Amanda Van Dijk - van't Noordende


3:00 pm

The shape of a CLIL didactic sequence

Phil Ball

We talk about 'lesson plans' but lessons exist as components of longer sequences of learning. What do these sequences look like, and what activity/task types do they consist of? Thinking about these task types and the 'shape' of a didactic sequence can help us plan our teaching more coherently and help L2 learners to stay focused on the 'what are we doing?' and the 'why are we doing it?'. 

At the end of this session you can identify the components of a didactic sequence


8:00 pm

Preparing a CLIL lesson in 15 minutes

Patrick de Boer

Lots of teachers spend (almost) the same amount on planning their CLIL lessons compared to actually teaching it. This does not have to be the case. With a step-by-step approach to planning a CLIL lesson this can be done in a short amount of time. Especially with the activities and resources mentioned in this training.

At the end of this session you can prepare a CLIL lesson in 15 minutes or less.

About Patrick de Boer

Patrick de Boer is a CLIL coach, teacher trainer and former editor-in-chief of CLIL Magazine. With almost 15 years of experience teaching CLIL mathematics in secondary education and coaching fellow teachers, he shares his ideas on regular basis on his blog and trains CLIL teachers worldwide with both online and offline courses and workshops.

Organizing this online CLIL Summit is just one of the ways he wants to help CLIL teachers worldwide to connect and learn from each other, because he feels many teachers are still reinventing the wheel too often, spending too much time on things others have already figured out. In other words: he would like to help CLIL teachers to teach (even) better lessons while preparing them in less time without sacrificing quality of the lesson itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Just in case I forgot something

How long will the sessions be available?

The sessions will be recorded and be available for 48 hours. But it is obviously a lot more fun to be part of the summit live!

Am I going to learn something practical or do I need to buy something?

No need to buy anything! The resources and ideas shared during this summit will be applicable to your lesson without any additional costs. And yes: the aim of the summit is to be as practical as possible.

When is the Online CLIL Summit?

The summit will be organized from October 4th to October 8th.


What times are the sessions?

The sessions are planned throughout the day to accomodate different timezones and teacher availability.

You can scroll through the entire schedule by clicking here.

How does it work?

After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation mail with information on how to join the sessions.

During each day of the summit you will receive an overview of 'what to expect' in the morning and an overview of 'what we have learned today' in the evening.

All sessions will make use of Zoom software. This software is free to use and allows for interaction and hassle-free communication.


For who might this be interesting?

CLIL teachers around the world! Both primary and secondary teachers will find interesting topics to explore and will gain valuable insights for their CLIL lessons. 


Contact Form

Still have questions? Let me know!